License Options
The GIS Mesher can be purchased as a single-user local license or a multi-user network license. A single-user local license can run a single instance of the GIS mesher on a single machine. The multi-user network license allows up to 3 concurrent instances of the GIS mesher across the organizations local area network (LAN). Licenses are only consumed when creating meshes and not while using the GUI to create GIS files or when building input files using your GIS application.
The price for the single-user local license in US dollars is: $1,500.
The price for the mult-user (3 concurrent licenses) network license in US dollars is: $6,000.
Software updates and support
Annual support and software updates is 15% of the initial license cost. Due to the licensed libraries used in the software, licenses that are out of date more than a year may no longer function. Such lapsed licenses will need to be caught up on license updates and support.
For more information on purchasing GIS Mesher, licensing options, or to get a written quote please contact