Prerequisite WIBU Drivers
The WIBU drivers must be installed to run the GIS Mesher and can be found at the link below. If you are a TUFLOW-FV user, you should already have this installed.
Latest Version
This version includes:
- Demo mode which allows all tutorial models and models with fewer than 5,000 cells to run without a license
- Improvements to the tutorials and documentation
- Align TUFLOWFV starting files to current conventions
Previous Versions
Download 2022.01 Release Notes
The 2022.01 version has several key features to make meshing more productive:
- Projects were reconfigured to make it easier to copy, move, and share projects.
- Supports multiple instances of the GIS Mesher
- Command line switches are used with TUFLOW FV to run on GPU instead of modifying the fvc file (2020.03 version or later required).
- Control how Solution Guided Meshing (SGM) runs TUFLOW-FV (GPU/CPU)
- Spatially varied mesh size multipliers and size limits.
- SGM – choose start step (to tweak meshes without redoing initial refinement steps)
- Various performance improvements.
The 2020.03 version is required starting October 2021. This version has solution guided meshing approach that uses the DEM to guide mesh refinement, support for Geo-package files, and generic improvements. This version also includes a free TUFLOW-FV runner capability (no license or registration required).
License Agreement
System Requirements
- Windows 7/10 64-bit OS
- Requires license (WIBU Codemeter)
- Single user lock allows running a single instance on one machine
- Multi-user lock allows running multiple simulations on multiple machines on same network
- GIS Mesher only builds meshes so a modeling engine that reads 2dm files is required.